Let’s talk about Mental Health

Under the health and safety regulations, employers have an obligation to intervene if an employee becomes physically unwell or is injured. But what about helping those with mental illness? 

If an employee becomes physically unwell or is injured, there is a good chance that someone trained in physical first aid will be on hand to help. But can we say the same of mental health? If someone has a panic attack, or is experiencing suicidal thoughts, is there support in place for them?

At present, first aid provision under the Health and Safety Regulations 1981 doesn’t treat mental and physical health equally, but there has been a groundswell of support to change this legislation to protect mental health in the workplace. Last month, in a letter published in The Times, MPs and industry leaders highlighted the impact of mental ill health on businesses and employees and called for a change in law to ensure first aid needs to address our whole health – not just our physical condition.

From both a human and a financial perspective, this change could make a huge difference. Mental health issues cost UK employers around £35bn every year, according to the Centre for Mental Health. This is made up of a cost of £21.2bn in reduced productivity, £10.6bn in sickness absence and £3.1bn in staff turnover. The Stevenson/Farmer review also highlighted that around 300,000 people with long-term mental health issues fall out of work every year.

Neglecting basic mental health support is therefore damaging both human and economic potential. But by bringing health and safety standards up to speed, we can help to create healthier, happier, more supportive workplaces where every individual can thrive. We can build stronger businesses that see improved employee engagement, reduced sickness absence and better retention rates. And in the process, we can nurture a stronger, more inclusive economy where mental health is valued and prioritised.

Laying the groundwork for this change is vital. As dictated by law, employers must have a reasonable awareness of physical health and risks in the workplace, but the same can’t be said for mental health. This means there’s work to do to ensure that basic awareness is there.

Without first laying that foundation and promoting meaningful cultural change, we risk making this a tick-box exercise. With the right approach, however, bringing this outdated legislation up to speed will make a real difference to the millions of working-age people who experience mental health issues every year.

Equality in first aid provision would mean someone in every workplace would have a basic understanding of mental ill health and will be able to offer support on a first aid basis, helping those in need at the earliest possible opportunity. We take for granted the importance of catching and treating physical illness or injury as early as possible – however serious the issue.

For laws to be effective, they need to reflect the society they’re designed to support, but health and safety legislation has lagged behind for decades. In 2018, our society needs a first aid box which reflects the fact that there is no health without mental health.

Make the change within your organisation today. Contact our Training Division for more information on our range of Health and Well-being courses. Call us on 03330 230 056 / Option 3

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